Bloating: What causes it and how can I get rid of it?

Let’s chat about bloating. You know, that uncomfortable “my jeans suddenly shrank” feeling that can sneak up after a meal, during your cycle, or even on a totally random Tuesday. It’s not fun, but the good news is that bloating usually has a reason - and solutions that actually work.

Why am I bloated?

There are a lot of reasons your stomach might feel less-than ideal. Here are some of the usual suspects:

  • Eating too much, too fast
    Overloading your plate (and your belly) can overwhelm your digestive system, leading to that too full, stretched feeling.
  • Gas build-up
    Some foods are just gas-producing by nature; think beans, broccoli, and carbonated drinks. While there is nothing wrong with these types of foods, your gut might not love you afterwards.
  • Food sensitivities
    If your body struggles to break down certain foods like lactose or gluten, bloating can be the result. Think of it as your gut’s way of waving a red flag.
  • Hormones doing their thing
    For those who deal with periods, that time of the month can cause bloating and water retention. (Because cramps weren’t enough, right?)
  • Stress
    Stress doesn’t just mess with your mind. It can throw off digestion, too. When your brain is on overdrive, your gut tends to take a backseat.
  • Gut imbalances
    A happy gut = happy digestion. But if your gut bacteria are out of balance, bloating can be one of the signs.

How to say bye-bye to bloat

Just because it’s common, doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. Here are some simple ways to feel lighter and more comfortable:

  1. Eat slower, eat smaller
    Take your time and chew your food well. Giving your stomach a break with smaller portions can go a long way.
  2. Drink more water
    Staying hydrated helps keep your digestion moving. Just skip the fizzy drinks if you’re feeling bloated - they can make things worse.
  3. Go for bloat-friendly foods
    Bananas are great for reducing water retention thanks to their potassium content, while cucumber and watermelon help keep you hydrated and flush out excess salt. Yogurt with live probiotics can support your gut bacteria, and papaya contains enzymes that aid digestion. Adding these to your meals can help keep bloating in check naturally.
  4. Move your body
    When you’re feeling bloated you might be tempted to plop down on the couch - but resist the urge. A short walk after eating can help things flow smoothly in your digestive system.
  5. Reach for supplements
    Heal + Co.’s new Bloat Relief Complex is packed with Lemon Balm, Sweet Fennel, and Ginger—three all-stars known for tackling bloating naturally. Lemon balm relaxes your digestive muscles, fennel works to ease gas, and ginger is the ultimate digestion supporter. Pair it with Apple Cider Vinegar for an extra boost in digestion support. Apple Cider Vinegar has long been celebrated for its ability to aid digestion and support gut health, making it the perfect complement to your bloat-busting routine. Together, they help you feel good in your gut (and your jeans).
  6. Stress less
    A calmer mind makes for a calmer belly. Whether it’s yoga, a quick meditation, or your favorite Netflix comedy, find a little time to unwind.

So, whether it’s a big meal, a stressful week, or just one of those days, now you’ve got the tools to keep bloating at bay and feel great from the inside out.

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